Monday, 11 June 2012

Admission of guilt

Okay, so my last so called ‘Fact Of The Day’ was nearly a month ago! Sincere apologies to all my avid fans who have missed out on 28 new facts that would have, undoubtedly, been astounding. I hope you’ve all managed to get through the last 28 days without looking too stupid with your lack of inane facts, if not, I take full responsibility and vow to never let this happen again.

You may, or may not, be interested to know what I have been up to, but you’re going to find out anyway.

I have finally finished my time at University in Leeds now… apart from the slight, and tiny problem of an 18,000 word dissertation. So as you can imagine this has been taking up much of my time, although regrettably not as much of my time as I would have liked. The recent sunshine which brought with it a rare optimum tanning time, alongside catching up with friends, has somewhat distracted me from more important things!

But as the sun has disappeared, and with it my bank balance, I have been on the hunt for a job. Now I know what you might be thinking; I’ve just finished a Masters, so what exciting, well-paid, career-driven job will I get?

… If you guessed shifts in a local pub/restaurant you’d be right! What better way to prove how much 20 years of education has paid off?

However, this is just a temporary thing. With my dream of being the ever eternal Peter Pan, I have managed to delay joining the ‘real’ world for at least another year or two with plots of travelling. I have no plans on being a grown up anytime soon!

And so, this pub work is just a means to an end: Pulling pints in Wales one minute, downing pints in Thailand the next!

That sums up my life recently, have you guys been up to anything exciting?

LikeWise X

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