Wednesday, 9 May 2012

FACT Of The Day

It’s time for another FACT Of The Day.

The most common bird on the planet is the chicken.

As this is not a particularly interesting FACT Of The Day and whilst on the topic of chickens, it seems an appropriate time to share with you a story that I discovered a few years ago... that again, may I add, my critics thought was a cock and bull story when I first told them. 

This true story is about a chicken in the 1940's, called Mike, who lived without his head for a year and a half! Now that is something to crow about!

At five and a half months old, when he was just a spring chicken, his owner attempted to chop off his head, but the axe mixed (what a dumb cluck) and Mike was left nearly headless- bet that ruffled his feathers.  He was left with one ear and most of his brain stem enabling him to miraculously survive, I'm sure it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Thus giving Mike his alter ego as ‘Mike the headless chicken’. 

Makes chickens that little bit more interesting doesn't it? No, maybe not. But it's egg on the faces of all the people who didn't think this story was true.. who's the bird brain now. 

...Plus it is pretty funny that a chicken lived without a head for a year and a half (not the most attractive pet I can think of). 

Additionally I can now relate to my sports teachers when they used to tell me I was running round like a headless chicken- they must have known about Mike as well.

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