Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Fact Of The Day

As many of my friends are currently away travelling the world, or are planning on going travelling, this next Fact Of The Day, whilst incredibly informative, is also a word of warning.

If any of you stumble across the borders of Alaska, heed this warning, or face the consequences.

It is actually ILLEGAL to feed a moose alcohol in Alaska.

So you have been warned, don’t make the silly ‘moosetake’ of buying the moose next to you in the bar an alcoholic beverage.

These cunning moose will try all sorts of ways to lure you into buying them a drink; they just love the ‘elkohol’. They’d do anything to ‘gazelle’ it down. They like nothing better than an ‘ice cold deer’….

Don’t be fooled by their cute moose eyes, or their cute moose antlers, it would be an ‘enormoose’ error on your part........